Bashir Jabbarkhail named Street Participant of the Year.
21st May 2020

Bashir Jabbarkhail (pictured right) was named Street Participant of the Year. Bashir, a refugee from Afghanistan, arrived in the country speaking no English but has developed a real passion for cricket.
Through taking part in the sport has made new friends and it has enabled him to settle into the community in Thetford where he lives. Just months after entering the UK, he is already developing his coaching skills to support other children at the Street project where he plays.
Teen refugee given gift to help ‘tremendous’ sporting talent (EDP Article)
A 15-year-old refugee who escaped a war-torn country and made Norfolk his home has been given a boost in his journey to realise his “tremendous” sporting potential.
Bashir Jabbarkhail’s story has touched the hearts of many and despite only arriving in the country in February last year, he has already become a valued member Thetford’s sporting community.
With a talent for cricket, Bashir hopes to create a better life for himself and has already become a coach at Thetford Town Cricket Club’s junior training sessions.
Now the teen has been given his very own cricket bat by Breckland District councillor Stuart Terry, to help him on his journey.
Mr Terry said: “Bashir’s plight was highlighted in the Thetford and Brandon Times last year, escaping from war-torn Afghanistan, and the horrifying story truly touched my heart.
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