7th September 2020

The 2020 Cricket Playing Survey is now live
This summer, as a game, we have had to be flexible and adapt, and we know many players have returned to a slightly different cricket experience than previous years. All Stars Cricket has had to change format and we were so disappointed to have to cancel Dynamos Cricket.
The Cricket Playing survey is ECB’s number one opportunity to listen to the views of those who are playing, and given the changes and sacrifices we have all had to make, more than ever we want to capture the views of as many people from the recreational game. This will help to ensure that the voices of players continue to be heard and the game of cricket continues to evolve.
If you are a player, please ensure you have your say by completing the survey via the link below. We would also value your assistance in sharing this survey to others within your cricket network and details of how to do so can be found below.