FEMALE ONLY – Introduction to Scoring Course
13th April 2022

Norfolk Cricket Board (NCB) are working closely with the Norfolk Association of Cricket Officials (NACO) to deliver a FREE Female ONLY Introduction of Scoring Course at the end of April.
This is an ideal course for complete beginners or as a refresher for anyone returning to scoring. It covers the very basics of scoring and is ideal for parents who want to get more involved or anyone who wants to get started in scoring. The aim of this course is to identify and practise the basic skills with which to record a cricket match. It doesn’t cover everything, but it will give you the tools to get started, including:
• Scoring record (scoresheet)
• Umpire’s signals
• Scoring symbols
• Recording wickets and extras
• Scoresheet balancing
Please bring writing materials , pens, pencils for filling in scoresheets and note pad/spare paper.
Course: Introduction to Scoring Course (FEMALE ONLY)
Date: Thursday 28 April
Time: 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Horsford Cricket Club (NR10 3AQ)
Cost: FREE
For more details, please contact Peter Free (peter.free@norfolkcricket.co.uk) or Jo Ticehurst (jo.ticehurst@norfolkcricket.co.uk).