Inspired to Play Grant Scheme 2022

12th April 2022

Norfolk Cricket Board is very pleased to confirm the launch of the ECB Inspired to Play Grants for 2022. Within this message you will find all of the details relating to the scheme, including the aims, eligibility and application process for grants

Aims of the Inspired to Play Grant Scheme

The Inspired to Play Grant Scheme 2022 aims to increase the number of children (boys and girls aged under 18 years) participating in the game by supporting the delivery of recreational cricket activity for these user groups during the months of June – September 2022.

Why is this important to clubs and the ECB?

Cricket is now operating in a very competitive landscape with so much choice and opportunity available to young children. The summer holidays are clearly a prime time for children to try or continue playing new activities. It is also still in the heart of the cricket season and is the time when a lot of Cricket tends to be visible on the TV. Therefore, it is really important that Cricket has a presence during the window to ensure that we capture the interest of anyone inspired to take up the game during this time.

In 2022 specifically, there will be a packed summer of International cricket, women’s cricket at the Commonwealth Games for the first time and the second year of The Hundred, lots of which will be on free to air TV, there is a huge opportunity to inspire more children to pick up a bat and ball this summer.

With regards girls cricket specifically, the Inspired to Play Grant Scheme will create an opportunity to further drive our ambitions for girl’s sections, aligned to the peak interest of the Commonwealth Games and the Hundred. We know these competitions will create interest from new audiences, so our aim is to ensure as many clubs are open as possible

What activities will be considered?

Activities that will be considered include:

  • Activity that drives new or existing girls’ sections.
  • Official All Stars Cricket or Dynamos Cricket programmes.
  • Summer School programmes, such as cricket camps for children.
  • Activity that drives inclusion based initiatives.
  • Other recreational cricket activity delivered to children


  • The grants are available to all affiliated clubs
  • £1,000 per club is available to drive activity

What sorts of costs can be funded?

There is more information on this captured in the guidance notes, but in summary an Inspired to Play Grant can fund:

  • Facility or venue hire
  • Staff Costs (qualified coaches)
  • Staff Costs (volunteer expenses)
  • Admin and project marketing costs (Limit of £100)
  • Playing Equipment
  • Coaching Equipment
  • T-Shirts for participants (Limit of £200, excludes Official All Stars & Dynamos)
  • Trophies, Medals
  • Catering

Other key notes and key dates

The scheme is now live, and will be open to applications until 30th June 2022.

Please note that though that the scheme will close early if funds run out, and so we urge clubs to get their applications in early!

Application Process

The attached guidance notes (top of this page) will explain the application process in more detail, but in summary:

The application process will be on IMS ( and clubs will be asked to input a brief overview of their project, a cost breakdown and be expected to complete a post activity report.

Clubs accessing IMS for the first time will need to identify two contacts (authorised signatories of the Club) to act on its behalf for the project.

As a Cricket Board we will review all applications. Assuming we are satisfied the application meets the aims of the Scheme, it will be forwarded on to the ECB for processing.

Guidance Notes


I2P-Guidance-Notes.pdf Download