Kick Discrimination out of Cricket in Norfolk this summer!
2nd May 2024

Tackling Discrimination
The strength of a team in cricket – both on and off the pitch – comes from the difference and individuality within it.
The ECB is committed to ensuring cricket is a game for everyone.
Discrimination of any kind is unacceptable and we need your help in tackling discrimination in all its forms throughout cricket.
If you are aware of or witness discrimination at any level of cricket in England and Wales, we want to hear from you.
Reporting discrimination will help us to ensure cricket is a welcoming, inclusive, and diverse game for everyone.
What is discrimination?
Discrimination means treating a person unfairly because of who they are or because they possess certain characteristics.
The Equality Act 2010 highlights 9 protected characteristics:
- Age
- Gender
- Race
- Disability
- Religion
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Sexual orientation
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage & civil partnership
Discrimination that occurs because of one or more of the above characteristics is unlawful and should be reported to the ECB.
How to report discrimination?
You can choose whether to report discrimination anonymously or alongside your name and contact details via the ECB website –
Only by working together with players, spectators, coaches, officials, and clubs can we make the progress cricket deserves.