New NCB Women & Girls Staffing Structure

25th March 2021

Women & Girls Cricket remains a key priority for the Norfolk Cricket Board as part of the ECB and NCB Inspiring Generations strategy over the next four years. In Norfolk we want to increase female participation across all areas of game including players, coaches, officials, volunteers and spactators.

To help us deliver our ambitious strategy, Norfolk Cricket Board have a new staffing structure who will focus on Women & Girls Cricket in Norfolk.

We are delighted to announce Peter Free as our new Women & Girls Development Officer. Jo Ticehurst will now take up a new role as Women & Girls Programmes Officer. Peter and Jo have already started their new roles and will work collaboratively improve Women & Girls Cricket in Norfolk.

Peter’s role will focus club development, coach eductaion, officials, volunteers and school engagement. Jo’s role is focussed on the adminstration and delivery of participation programmes such as the new NCB Women’s Softball League and ECB Softball Festivals.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Women & Girls Cricket in Norfolk please contact either Peter or Jo who will be happy to help.

Peter Free
(NCB Women & Girls Development Officer)

Jo Ticehurst
(NCB Women & Girls Programmes Officer)