Norfolk School Competition Entries 2023
9th January 2023

Norfolk Schools’ Cricket Cup Competitions: Summer 2023
Happy New Year!
I hope that you’ve enjoyed an enjoyable Christmas break but, as we move into 2023, it must be time to start thinking about cricket!
Following two summers – 2020 and 2021 – which were difficult for schools’ cricket, it was brilliant that a full set of competitions could run in 2022. Following a review in the autumn term, it was decided that the framework of the competitions would remain unchanged for 2023 (with one addition for u11 girls).
There will be some minor rule changes in the state school only competitions but, otherwise, it is hoped that the full range of competitions will give the opportunity for schools to enter those which will provide their students with a positive cricket experience.
The six existing hardball competitions (u11 to u15) have been retained and an U11 girls’ competition had been added.
- U11 girls hardball cup – for schools with Year 6 pupils – this is a new competition which will be played on 15th May at Gresham’s with winners to compete in a regional final on 22nd June
- U11 – for schools with Year 6 pupils
- U12 David English Bunbury/Blyth Cup – with qualification for regional/national competition in 2024 for the winners
- U13 Calder Cup
- U14 Inspire Sport/Sleigh Cup –with qualification for regional/national competition in 2024 for the winners
- U15 ESCA T20 – with qualification for regional/national competition later in the summer for winners (all semi-finalists to qualify for a ‘finals day’)
- U15 GIRLS T20, The Nicola Woodhouse Trophy
As introduced in 2022, round-robin groups for all years from u12 to u15 will lead to finals’ events and produce a county winner in July.
Softball festivals for u12 and u13 pupils will be organised by Richard Grove (Wymondham College) and Ben Player (Framingham Earl High School).
- U12 – Weds 17th May at Langley
- U13 – Weds 3rd May at Wymondham College
Accompanying this letter is an entry form which needs to be returned by Friday 10th February. (See Below attachment)
The entry cost is £10 for each hardball competition but there will be no charge for softball competitions. Please send forms to John Chilvers:
If your school makes all payments by BACS, the Norfolk Cricket Board details are.
Account name: Norfolk Cricket Board Ltd
Sort Code: 12-09-25
Account No: 06024518
Please put the reference as ‘(School name) HS FEE’
Invoice: If you need an invoice to make payment, please email John via the email address above.
Best Wishes
John Chilvers and Richard Somerford (on behalf of the Norfolk Cricket Board)
2023 High School Entry Form & Entry Letter