Safeguarding in National & Local COVID-19 Restrictions
7th January 2021

Safeguarding is still a priority
Whilst you may not be aware of as many new incidents of abuse or poor practice arisingin cricket activity during the current lockdown, reports of non-recent incidents, and safeguardingconcerns arising shortly before the lockdown, may continue to be received. We may also experience
an increase in reporting when activities return.
- Management of all safeguarding cases need to be progressed appropriately. These reports and cases still need to be managed
- Please continue to use the ECB Safeguarding referral form
Increased risks for many children and young people
For children living with abusive or neglectful parents, social isolation may create a significantly riskier environment. Stresses associated with the consequences of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis may well make physical and emotional abuse more likely.
For many children living in these circumstances, school and sports activities represented safe places and environments where trusted adults could provide support, monitor their wellbeing, and respond
to any worrying indicators. In lockdown, these protective eyes and ears, and other community based supports, have been largely negated, leaving some children more vulnerable.
Increased online activity by children also increases risks associated with abusive adults and young people operating through social networks and related sites. Although the introduction of online coaching and virtual training sessions helps to fill the gap left when clubs and activities closed, it also increases opportunities for unscrupulous individuals to groom children.
Mental well-being of young people continues to be a concern during the national pandemic, pleasepromote local and national support services available to children. We have included some further guidance and attached as supplementary documents.
What cricket activity providers can do?
There are several things cricket clubs and organisations can do to support children and parents during this time:
- keep communication channels open for children, parents, and others.
- actively promote information about how any concerns about a child’s wellbeing can still be reported.
- ensure that any reports are assessed and responded to by individuals with sufficient safeguarding competence and confidence. If in doubt, contact County welfare officers, ECB
safeguarding team, Children’s Social Care, the LADO or Police for advice - continue to record and operate case management processes as usual, even though some aspects of how tasks are undertaken may be revised considering the current restrictions.
- remind coaches, participants, and parents that codes of conduct still operate regardless of
the way any activities, training or coaching may be provided or accessed. - ensure codes of conduct address the challenges of virtual activities and online behaviours.
- promote guidance about safe online behaviours and communications, particularly between coaches and young people.
- promote the many great resources on how people can safeguard themselves during the emergency. You should look for ways to share this information with your club and members.
- use this opportunity to revise, improve and develop safeguarding policies, guidance, and resources.
Useful links and articles
Protection of Children during the Coronavirus Pandemic –
CPSU Remote teaching and coaching –
CPSU Online safety –
Childline –
Call free on 0800 1111 to have a 1-2-1 chat with a Childline counsellor. Whatever you say stays between you and Childline and the call will not appear on your phone bill if you are calling from a UK mobile or landline.
You can also email Childline by signing up through the website: You do not have to give your email address or real name.
Young minds –
Text the YoungMinds Crisis Messenger, for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis.
– If you need urgent help text YM to 85258
– Texts are free from EE, O2, Vodafone, 3, Virgin Mobile, BT Mobile, GiffGaff, Tesco Mobile and Telecom Plus
Parents / carers can call the Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday 9.30am–4pm). Free for mobiles and landlines.
Kidscape –
Phone: 020 7730 3300
Parent Advice Line: 0207 823 5430 (Monday – Wednesday 9.30am–2.30pm)