On-line DBS

Here is a guide on obtaining a DBS within Norfolk Cricket.

When adults have roles that include the care, supervision or control of children in sport they are carrying out ‘Regulated Activity’ and must, in advance, and in law have appropriate checks undertaken to ensure the safety of those in their care.

Some roles within cricket require a ‘vetting check’, historically called a CRB check, but now referred to as a DBS check (Disclosure and Barring Service).  This check is an ‘Enhanced’ check, which includes spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands, final warnings plus any information held by the police which they consider relevant to the role.

The ECB have listed a number of roles that require an enhanced DBS check and also a number of roles that do not require a DBS check, you can find these listed here.

We do realise however that every club is different and that there may be roles not listed on the ECB template.  In which case there is a simple diagram to follow which can help here.

If having followed the first and second document and you are still unclear, then it may well be easier to err on the side of caution and ask the individual involved to obtain a DBS check.  The NCB Safeguarding Team are always on hand to offer advice.


  1. Ask a Verifier to invite you

To obtain an ECB Vetted DBS Certificate, individuals need to be invited to apply by an approved ‘Verifier’.  Club Safeguarding Officers are Verifiers and where they are not, they will know who is authorised, within their Club to arrange that for you.  They will send you an electronic link to complete the application online.

They will need from you:

  • Full name (as per passport)
  • Date of birth
  • Preferred e-mail contact address
  • Name of Club and details of role undertaken
  1. Follow the link

Once invited by the Verifier, the applicant will receive an electronic link to complete their application online.  Follow the link and fill in the details, including entering data for your evidence documents (such as driving license, passport, utility bill etc – options can be found here).  Once done submit your electronic application.

  1. How do I get myself ‘Verified’?

The easiest is to go back to the individual who invited you to complete the application.  If they are not available, the online system will help you to locate another Verifier in your locality.  They will need to meet with you and check your documents in person.  The Verifier will log onto their access point to the portal and confirm your details and documents – this process takes just a few minutes.

  1. Ok, so I have had my documents verified, what happens next?

Once the Verifier has confirmed your documents/details, they will submit the electronic application to the Disclosure and Barring Service.  Your certificate will then be posted to you and to you alone – nobody else at this stage will be aware of the contents.  We recommend that you inform your Club Safeguarding Officer that your certificate has been returned so that they can update internal systems etc.

  1. Will I have to renew 3 years later?

All ECB DBS Certificates now sign up to the auto-update service.  This means that 12 months after you have completed your initial application, you will receive an email asking if you are still carrying out ‘Regulated Activity’.  If you do not opt out then your certificate will automatically renew, and your vetting due date rolls forward to show three years from that date.

Confused, need help?

Don’t hesitate to contact any of the NCB Safeguarding Team who will be delighted to help.

Norfolk County Safeguarding Officer – MARK CAMPBELL
Email: HERE
Phone: 07917 735469
(Please feel free to contact Mark with any queries that you may have)

Deputy Norfolk County Safeguarding Officer – KEVIN DENMARK
Email: HERE
Phone: 07876 561388
(Please feel free to contact Kevin with any queries that you may have)

Online DBS Process & Verification


DBS-Process-Verification-August-2022.pdf Download